Let’s get started! Here is the information you’ll be providing during the registration process. In particular, note that the patient code (received via email / letter) is something given to you by the provider, so make sure you have that before beginning.
· Username
· Password
· Email Address
· Two Security Questions
· Name
· Date of Birth
· Patient Code (Given to you by Provider)
Click Next to continue or Cancel to stop.
Username: Create a username between 4 and 32 characters long. No other user can have the same username.
Password: Create a password you will remember, it must be at least 8 characters long
Confirm Password: Type your password again, it is recommended that you use upper and lower case letters as well as numbers and special characters to create a strong password.
Email: A valid email address must be provided to use the portal, type the email address here. The email will ONLY be used to contact you about portal business. It will not be used for marketing purposes.
Type the Letters: Type the letters on the screen. By entering these letters you help prevent fake registrations. Capitalization doesn’t matter. Click on the REFRESH icon to get new letters if the current ones are too difficult to decipher.
Set your own security questions.
1. Security Question: Click the drop down arrow and select a question, you can select any security question from the list.
At the Your Answer: prompt enter your response, make sure your response is memorable but hard for others to guess. Capitalization does not matter. You can pick any security question from the list. These will be used if you ever forget your password.
2. Security Question: Select your second security question from the dropdown list. At the Your
Answer: prompt enter your response.
First Name: Enter your full first name as your provider entered it. Typically this is consistent with your
Name as it is spelled on your license.
Last Name: Enter your full last name as your provider entered it. Typically this is consistent with your
Name as it is spelled on your license.
Date of Birth: Enter the month of your birth by clicking drop down and selecting month. Enter the day
of your birth clicking the drop down and selecting the day. Enter the year of your birth by
clicking the dropdown and selecting the year.
Patient Code: Enter the code given to you by your provider, letters are all in upper case, navigation will
bring you from entry box as the code is entered.
Your provider requires that you consent to the release of medical records to you via the Patient Portal. You must click in the check box next to the prompt: ‘I consent to the release of the patient medical records stored here as stated above.’
Below is the information you specified. Please review it for accuracy. If the information was entered correctly please hit REGISTER; if you would like to edit an entry hit the BACK button to the page associated with the entry you would like to edit; if you would like to end the registration without filing please hit the CANCEL button.
Once you’ve Registered:
Welcome to your Patient Portal. Please select PRINT option to print out your sign information and keep this information in a safe place for future reference. That’s all the steps in the sign-up. You are now ready to use the portal!